Clear Some Trees
Trees are effective for shade, but sometimes they can be oppressive,
especially if they are blocking the sun’s rays from ever reaching your house.
Hire a tree company to come out and trim branches and fell some of the trees on
your property. The difference will be noticeable immediately.
Install a Custom Cupola
Add a Sun Room
If you can afford an addition, a sunroom is a great choice for getting
natural light. A sunroom would typically have at least half the wall space as
windows on three sides, with possibly a door to the outside on one end.
Sun rooms make great reading rooms because of all the natural light that
pours in. An architect or builder can design and construct your sunroom.
Install a Solar Light
Construct Transom Windows
If you have high ceilings, such as nine-feet high or more, transom windows
are a great way to bring natural light into your home. Transom windows are
windows that are installed in a wall above regular windows and doors. They can
be in plain rectangle shapes or extremely decorative shapes, such as in the
shape of a half moon. They can be made with plain glass or full-frosted, or
etched with intricate designs. The beauty of transom windows is that they don’t
reduce your privacy. You can close your curtains on the lower windows, while
still letting natural light in through the transoms. An installer who
does custom windows Walnut Creek can install transom windows for you.
After you decide which option you’ll choose to introduce natural light in
your home, you’ll be able to enjoy your altered surroundings for years to
Thanks for such a nice post.
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